Over the past few years, I have taken portraits of many people. Some of these portraits were created out of an urge to document my intimate relationships with friends and lovers, some were commissioned by magazines, and others are part of personal projects.
Christian Drosten, one of Germany's leading virologists. Charité Berlin, Germany. 14-2-20. For Der Spiegel
Pia Klemp, the captain of the Sea-Watch 3, a civil rescue ship in the Mediterranean Sea. Bezzina Shipyard, Malta. 4-7-18. For Sea-Watch
Greta Thunberg, Swedish environmental activist, speaking on the occasion of the global climate strike. Berlin, Germany. 24-9-21.
Cecilia Mangini, Italian avantgarde filmmaker. Freiburg, Germany. 26-5-17
Alexander Bushuev is a Russian artist and part of the Russian non-conformist art group Mitki, which became famous during the 1980s in the Soviet Union. Pskov, Russia. 10-8-19.
Patima A. at the moment captured is 20 years old and lives in a hideout in Brest, Belarus. She is pregnant and a refugee from Dagestan, Russia. She and her husband try to cross the border to Poland to seek asylum. Brest, Belarus. 23-8-18. For Der Spiegel
Mara Bozic and Linda Gao-Lenders, authors. 11-9-21. For Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus
The Arslans have lost three persons in their family, due to a racist arson attack on their house in small German town called Mölln on 23.11.1992. Cologne, Germany. 20-11-16
Ernst Mannheimer, son of Holocaust survivor Max Mannheimer, in his home. 2-3-22. Berlin, Germany. For Der Spiegel
Mari Molle, author. 10-9-21. Düsseldorf, Germany. For Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus
Reza, from activist group Welcome:United. 10-11-18. Brandenburg, Germany. For About:Blank - Club Berlin
Luna Ali, author. 25-11-21. Wadi Rum, Jordan
Bijan Moini, lawyer in front of the federal constitutional court. Karlsruhe, Germany. 14-1-20. For Society for Civil Rights (Gesellschaft für Freiheitsrechte)
Carola Rackete was Captain of the Sea Watch 3 and she was bringing the ship with rescued persons abord to Lampedusa. Due to a lack of legal permission for the disembarkation, she is now facing legal charges in Italy. Bezzina Shipyard, Malta. 27-6-18. For Sea-Watch
Stefanie Rübel, author. 12-9-21. Düsseldorf, Germany. For Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus
Christa Luft, last GDR economy minister, hereby portrayed in her home. Berlin, Germany. 8-10-20. For The Jacobin Magazine
Rola Saleh, from activist group Jugendliche Ohne Grenzen (Youth Without Borders). 21-11-18. Chemnitz, Germany. For About:Blank - Club Berlin
Margarete Groschupf, author. 12-9-21. Düsseldorf, Germany. For Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus
Işıkali »Ali« Karayel, Islamic funeral director. 16-4-21. Berlin, Germany. For The Jacobin Magazine
Sedra Shehabi, from Families For Freedom, is advocating for the rights of families subject to forced disappearances in Syria. 28-8-21. Berlin, Germany. For The Syria Campaign
Jens Albrecht, Telekom Employee. 24-9-20. Berlin, Germany. For Der Spiegel
Anni Lanz is a Swiss human rights activist. She has been convicted for „smuggling“ in 2018 and appealed the courts decision. She herself prefers the term escape aid. St. Gallen, Switzerland. 11-5-19. For iuventa10
Andreas Kossert, professor of Eastern European history, in his home. 2-10-20. Berlin, Germany. For Der Spiegel
Katrin Lompscher, former Senator for Urban Development and Housing in Berlin. 28-1-21. Berlin, Germany. For The Jacobin Magazine
Moritz Richter, photographer. 6-8-18. Talinn, Estonia.
Inana Othman, author. 3-11-21. Berlin, Germany. For Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus
Lou Winters, climate activist and part of Sand im Getriebe, standing in front of a blockade of automotive manufacturer VW. 19-8-21. Berlin, Germany. For EnergieWende Magazine
Dîlan Gezaza, actress and screenplay author, 24-08-22. Berlin, Germany.
Jorinde Schulz, local election candidate for German leftist party "Die Linke", 12-12-22. Berlin, Germany. For Die Linke