Paul Lovis Wagner* is a photographer working at the intersection of politics, journalism, and art. He has a love for political theory and an ambivalent relationship with photography, yet he makes a living from it. His artistic interest concerns the intersection of capital, reproduction, power and security. He operates in a constant balancing act, between his large-scale political desires to undermine a world system based on capital accumulation, racism, and patriarchy on one side and his limited possibilities as a photographer on the other. In the past, he has collaborated with and worked as part of Berlin-based jib-collective and peng-collective. He graduated from Sciences Po Paris and Free University of Berlin. Besides Political Sciences, he studied Arabic Studies (Berlin/Doha) and Documentary Photography (Hanover). His editorial clients and publication outlets include Der Spiegel, Jacobin Magazine, profil (AT), Die Zeit, Politico (US), WOZ (CH), FAZ, Der Freitag, taz, and many more. Paul is a German native speaker and also speaks English, French, and Arabic. His work has been funded by Robert-Bosch Stiftung, Netzwerk Recherche Fund, and the German Academy of Arts. If you are interested in collaborations, feel free to contact him:
* The concept of individual authorship is a divisive illusion that should be discarded. All works on display here are the result of collective exchanges between lovers, friends and their respective revolutionary desires. However, due to economic necessities, I maintain an individualized narrative of being a coherent artist.